
Stones of the Disappeared - Stolpersteine

The town of Trutnov has joined the international project Stolpersteine, or Stones of the Disappeared, which aims to remember the victims of the Holocaust. In addition to the six stones already installed in 2021, six more were added in 2023. They are placed in the places where the listed inhabitants of Trutnov lived or worked.

Stolpersteine, photo M. Šálek

The Stones of the Disappeared, or Stolpersteine, is a project by German artist Gunter Demnig, who laid the first stone in 1992 in front of the Cologne City Hall. Under the auspices of his foundation, these commemorative paving stones with a brass surface are being installed all over Europe. One cube is dedicated to each victim. They are installed in the pavement in front of the house where the victim lived, worked or made a significant impact. The name Stolpersteine loosely translates as 'Stone to be tripped over' or 'it should be tripped over'. The name Stolpersteine loosely translates as 'Stone to be tripped over' or 'it should be tripped over'. Symbolically, the passer-by should stumble with his eyes and remember the victims of the Holocaust.

In Trutnov, the stones are dedicated to these victims:

Ernst Altschul (Krakonošovo nám. 70)
Pinkas Flesch, Marta Flesch, Otto Flesch (Jihoslovanská ul. 26)
Julius Kohn a Leopoldina Kohnová (Slezská ul.) 
Markus Lederer a Regina Ledererová (Bulharská ul. 63)
Marie Beitlerová (Polní ul. 129)
MUDr. Julius Gans (Pražská ul. 135)
JUDr. Hugo Taussig (Polská ul. 189)
Maximilián Roubíček (Sokolská ul. 237)

A map of all Stolpersteines can be downloaded here